Deleting: Unknown Error (before System go-live)

Deleting: Unknown Error (before System go-live)During setup, occasionally incorrect programs are created. But clicking the delete button results in a message that may read “Unknown Error.”

Good news: This error isn’t really unknown. It usually signals something very specific: that you have these programs in a shopping cart, or that they have been registered for.

The reason for this error is that the system will prevent admins from removing programs with current or pending registrations attached. This is a crucial feature once the system is live, but easy to overlook during initial setup.

This will apply to sessions, programs, and registration periods.

To solve the problem, log into your Front Page as an admin, then visit your test account. Uncheck any items in the cart.

If this doesn’t help, you may have completed a test registration using these items. You can “drop” these programs (visit Drop, Swap, Add to Class in the Quicklinks, click Search, and then add a “drop date” on the line items you wish to remove).

Once these steps are taken, then return to the delete option.

If you are unable to perform these steps, change the status of the session to “hide” and ask your Cogran team for help.