Remind your customers that a payment is due:

  1. Reports>Payments Due by End of Month
  2. Search using due dates or other criteria
  3. A report loads
  4. Verify that these are the names that fit the criteria you seek
  5. Click the email icon
  6. Load an email template if you have created one, or choose a blank template
  7. Write/use an email including the link
  8. Instruct the users to log into their accounts and click on Key Dates, Payments Due, Documents in the upper left hand corner

Sample email:

Hi there,Thanks so much for registering for our programs!

You chose to pay a deposit for one or more of our programs. Based on our records, it is now time to make your payment at our website:

Log into your account and click the menu icon in the upper right corner. There, you will find a link to payments due!

The Team at (your name)