Cogran allows clients to update and create new member numbers for each member.

After a customer has purchased a membership, Cogran allows clients to update and create new member numbers for each member. Note that for this to work, a customer MUST already have a membership in the Cogran System.

NOTE: When a customer purchases a membership in Cogran, a member number is automatically created. This is an optional process for organizations that provide membership cards to their customers.

Step one: Connect your Scanner (This is not required, but it is recommended. If no scanner is available, begin at Step 2).

Step two: Select a Membership Card

Step three: Update the Member Record

Log into the Back Office

  1. Membership Management>Membership Profile
  2. Search
  3. A list appears
  4. Change to grid view
  5. Select (highlight) the member number in the left column of the grid
  6. Using your scanner, scan the new member card–or, if your scanner is not available, type in the new number
  7. The new member number will be automatically inserted into the member number column and will save automatically
  8. Done!