Cogran makes it possible to quickly set up recurring registration programs for daily registration. This is used when classes are offered everyday–for example, private lesson options, daily fitness classes, or daily summer camps. This setup method will create INDIVIDUAL CLASSES, not sessions of classes.

For example, a recurring session is created on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This will not create a class that is paid for once and recurs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Instead, it will offer classes for individual registration with individual payments on Monday, classes for individual registration on Wednesday, and classes for individual registration on Friday.

A few tips: We recommend setting up no more than a month on a single registration period and card for optimum load speeds. Too many programs on a single card will create a slight lag in pulling all of that data. Instead, consider setting up a card for each month’s offerings, or separating them by events.

How to do it:

Note that the program must exist before creating recurring individual sessions.

To create recurring sessions:

  • Visit Registration Periods> Add a Registration Period. Fill out the required information and save.
  • On the left menu, select Registration Program Session
  • Click “add” to add a program
  • Select a program
  • Set the status to “open”
  • Set the days of the week that the program will happen. For example, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • Set the Start Date of the Session. This is the first date that the class will be offered.
  • Set the End Date of the Session. This is the last date that the class will be offered.
  • Enter Start Time
  • Enter End Time
  • Choose a repeat pattern from the list of options. This will assign the session to each day of the week.
  • This will automatically schedule the registration for the class on the days between the start an end date and on the days of the week selected.
  • Enter all other session information that will apply to each session, such as location, capacity, and instructor username. This will be copied with the session.


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