Pro-Rata, Per Session Pricing

Some classes are paid for individually, but registered for in a single transaction.

For example, yoga classes are $10 per session. A session of yoga classes runs 5 weeks, and so Cogran will total this to $50. For a session of yoga classes that runs 10 weeks, Cogran will total this to $100 for the customer.

A customer who registers after the first session has occured will be charged for only 4 of the 5 weeks, for a total of $40. A customer who registers after the first two sessions will be charged for only 3 of the 5 weeks for a total of $30.

When used: When sessions of variable length of the same program are offered. This allows admins to not constantly create new sessions.


  • Follow the instructions to add a session. (For more information, click here).
  • Choose the program
  • Session Description: it is recommended to add the number of sessions and instructor name
  • Set dates. Be careful to set the number of sessions that will be offered in the pro-rated session.
  • Set times
  • Set day(s) of week
  • Use blackout dates to remove dates from the series of classes. Blackout dates will not have paid classes
  • IMPORTANT: Classes for Pro-Rata, Per Session Price: Enter the desired number of classes in this session
  • TIP: Do not use “repeat session. ” Repeat session creates individually priced programs.
  • On tabs 2 and 3, enter the capacity and location on tab 2 and 3.
  • Save!
How it appears during shopping
How it appears in the shopping cart.