Cogran makes it possible to offer registration for private classes.

There are three steps.
First, create a card and registration program for users to indicate their interest in the program. Consider adding questions that will allow users to suggest their preferred date and time, as well as other information, such as the type of class.

  1. Create a card
  2. Create a registration program with questions to allow users to indicate interest
  3. Allow registration for the program

Once a user has registered for the program, most admins call the customer to confirm the info.

  1. Front Page>Admin Center
  2. Registration Dashboard: Find the session and click on it to open the details
  3. Open the link to registrations to find the registrant’s email and phone

Next, create registration options for admins to use behind the scene. Create a registration period with potential class dates and times. Be sure to set the card to be admin-view only, and to allow a calendar view, so that it is easy for admins to find the right date and time for classes.

Finally, use the Direct to Registration Link. Send the link to the person who requested the private class. That person can share the link with the other people they wish to attend the class.

Those users will be able to easily click the link to register for just that class–which no one else can see.

  1. Create a card (set to admin only)
  2. Create a recurring registration programĀ 
  3. Grab the unique registration link.
  4. Send the registrant an email
    • Front Page>Admin Center
    • Registration Dashboard: Find the session and click on it to open the details
    • Open the link to registrations to find the registrant’s email and phone
    • Use your email client to send the link to the registrant